Thursday, June 12, 2008

Where's the LOVE, Laguna???

After reading about the young teacher from Laguna Niguel that was killed as a passenger in a car accident last Friday, which was possibly caused by driving under the influence, I began to think...once the pain went away...just kidding...I haven't put any soul searching Laguna posts in here in a while. I also started to notice that, judging by the police blotter, we seem to have quite a few drunk drivers out there on our hands.

I was young and stupid at one time...I still think of myself as young, but not AS why would you risk yours and other's lives and the anguish that it would cause your loved ones if something happened. Now, as I said before, I am not completely innocent. Why, I was "stupid" and believed that I was a "better" driver while drunk because I follow the laws of the road more to the book when drunk...other than the fact that I was drunk. Looking back, I was not only stupid, but also insane!!! The whole point is your judgement is inhibited while under the influence.

So, long ago, I changed my ways and cleaned up my act. I did this by conscious decision and thought it would be easy for everyone else to do the same. Unfortunately, the "influencing chemicals" may not allow others to do so, or maybe they don't care, or maybe they aren't intelligent enough to do so. Whatever the reason, I believe that we all instinctively don't want to harm ourselves and other, but our actions can be the complete opposite.

I am one of the very, very few who can say they were hit by a drunk driver and wasn't seriously hurt (whiplash was the extent of the physical injuries), thank heavens! But as I sit hear thinking my "deep thoughts" about life today, I wonder...why?!? Why was I lucky and others have not been? Why do people still do so many things that harm themselves and those around them? I have been asked before what my legacy here would be. I still like the idea of making people happy...putting a smile on faces! If we all made it our passion in life to simply give your beautiful heartfelt energy...your "life-force"...with no thought of what we would get in return, true magic, healing and miracles would happen.

We are all living here in this universe of energy...together. Let's start treating everyone we meet, not as a stranger, but as a part of ourselves that we may not know or understand yet! This little town of Laguna is one of the places in the world where I have felt closest to this idea and I would love to "infect" the rest of the universe with a undiluted form of the infectious virus called LOVE!!!

I promise to try to find the undiluted and unmutated version of LOVE for as long as I this life or another. So for any of you out there interested in joining my search for the "Question to the ultimate answer of life, the universe and everything" (I already know the answer is 42 thanks to Douglas Adams, now I just need the question), the quest for the "holy grail", or whatever you would like to call it...the search for UNTAINTED LOVE, please join me!!! I have tried to follow paths and they have made me feel spectacular amounts of love, I am still waiting for someone to point me in the right direction to find that perfect level. Maybe we aren't supposed to, maybe that is the idea behind always search and strive, and when we find it, everything will be over. I don't know, but I am so looking forward to the journey.

Join me if you dare! I would love the company...and I think it will be fun and enlightening.

Thanks and if you see me wandering through Laguna in my little grey Subaru, please say hi and we will exchange some lovely energy!!! Cole

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