Sunday, May 3, 2009

Laguna Real Estate Insanity

This blog was created for me to be able to discuss the real Laguna Beach. I saw the way that the outside world looked at Laguna was jaded. The way the majority of people think of the "Laguna Lifestyle" has been too heavily influenced by the faked reality that has made it's way onto the bube tube.

Unfortunately for this blog, I have proceeded to become so busy with life as a Realtor that I have been neglectful. I'm quite amazed that anyone even came to the site since it has been months since the last time I spent time here. It's ironic, really, since all you seem to see and hear in the news is how the sky is falling in the real estate world. In reality, the market is ripe for those who understand. Investors and first time buyers are scrambling to get their place in the real estate line before it sells out. The market has seen homes priced over a million dollars selling within a week with 10 or more offers!!! The news will talk about the low end or all the homes being lost, but they seem to forget that someone has to be buying! I also entered into a partnership with another Realtor in Laguna. That partnership has created a whole new world of possibility, but also new work and more time working and less time for blogging.

So here I am again. Do I feel guilty for ignoring this site? I do feel a bit...but since deep down I think that this is just my way of letting my psyche express itself, it is only for me (my digital diary that everyone could read)...but no one other than me really reads this anyway! :-) So I am sitting at home thinking and thus I wandered to here. I've gone for a run this evening and the evening is beautiful, so I started ruminating.

I guess the next question for us, is where and what do we do from here? Do we let the "Depression/Recession" drag us down or do we focus on the positive that we can create from this? We have a chance to change technology, new values, new needs, new goals! Do we really need the fancy cars and big SUV's? Do we really need all the TV's in every room in the house? Do we really need to work so hard that we forget what's really Do we continue on this work until we die route or do we remember that friends and family are more important? Do we decide that every race, religion, country...basically every person...can exist in cooperation and peace? CAN WE JUST GO BACK TO BEING KIDS WHO JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN!?!

I used to work in auto sales...I liked helping people get the car of their dreams, but I also had to play a game since I was employed by someone who wants to make a much money as possible on that same person's dream! Now, being a Realtor allows me to assist people acquire the property of their dreams, but I am not in the position of having the owner looking over my shoulder! I know that I still work too hard. I don't get to spend the time with friends and family that I would if I was a multimillionaire, but I do love this work!

So I for one want the Depression/Recession to help us reevaluate our needs and wants and goals. No we don't need all the fancy cars and big SUV's and TV's! Let's get off the bed/couch/chair/whatever and start living again. Take a walk, watch a sunset, play a sport, ride a bike, go for a hike, visit a friend, anything as long as we get off our butts! Oh that would also mean turning off the computer!

I may not have been on here in a while, but I have been living. I plan on doing the same in the future, so I don't expect to have consistent postings. If you have a problem with that, give me a call 949.254.6494! (Those who know me will know that is my real cell number) If you don't believe it, feel free to call me or crank call me (as long as it is truly funny crank call)!

But better yet...if you have a problem with me not posting regularly, come down to Laguna and take a long walk on the beach and then when you see me wandering through Laguna in my little grey Subaru, stop me and say hi!!! Thanks and see you in the real world, Cole.

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