Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Love, Lies and Ordinary Lives

We live somewhere, that is , at least I hope that we do. Where ever that place is we hope that we love that place. Sometimes we seem to forget that the place where we live is a wonderful awe inspiring place. Not only have we tamed the forces of nature (sometimes, that is), inhabited a wonderful continent, built communities and societies and small quaint area like our beautiful little corner of the world, Laguna Beach. We have many luxuries, natural and man-made.

Since beginning to post here, I have begun to look at this world we live in differently...as if from the outside looking in. I have learned to slow down and look at the all the wonders. I have a great life. My home is perfect for me. I am married to the woman of my dreams and have a lovable wiener dog named Lola! I love my friends and enjoy working with people every day. Prior to this I was one of those people that I see out the window honking at each other at the stop sign.

I wish that every person can do the same thing. The next best thing in my book is to try and spread the feeling. I'm in sales and I have come to see that we sales people seem to be looked down upon by those out of sales. I work extremely hard and only try to help those that want me to. But that isn't why I started writing this evening, so I will get back to waxing on Laguna.

I find myself down in Laguna at 5am and love to hear the silence that fills the air. The time spent with no one around allows for me to really appreciate the beauty that is all around us and we tend to overlook. We are running around and working so hard that our vision becomes tunnel like. My best friend has been dreaming of the perfect home and now that vision is flirting with becoming reality. I haven't heard the pleasure level that he has right now in a long time. He has described the home to me before, but now that it is so close, it takes a new clarity. That is the same type of feeling I have during those early mornings!

Those are the feelings and experiences that make life worth living! Someone asked me recently what I saw as my legacy. I immediately answered that I want to leave every person I meet happier then they were prior. This has always been a deeply rooted hope of mine, most probably since I am quite insecure. The love that I have found from slowing down and taking a new viewpoint on life over the past few weeks of these posts has allowed this true mission be envisioned.

So join me in stopping and watching the sunrises and sunsets that we have the pleasure of experiencing. Then we will walk around town and see all the wonderful shops. After that we will take some time to paint the next masterpiece. And finally, we will make sure all those in our lives how much they truly mean to us!

I promise that I will work very hard at practicing what I preach. So enjoy the wonderful place we call Laguna with me. Thanks for reading and if you see me wandering around Laguna in my little grey Subaru, please say hi and I will send some love! Cole

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