Saturday, April 26, 2008

Another beautiful day in Laguna

The temperature has started to creep back up again, but who can complain when you have that wonderful ocean breeze to cool you. Other than the haze that blocked our view of the islands off the coast, we were pretty close to another perfect day in paradise! I was in South Laguna for the day and I always love to have a relaxing day down there! I would love to hear any one's stories from the day that just slipping through our hands. Anywho, I hope that the haze is gone for tomorrow (I haven't look at the weather forecast or trust it even if I did look), so we can look out toward the Pacific and marvel at it vanishing off in the distance. I didn't hear of any earth shattering events today (I guess it was a slow news day) so I will sign off on my end. If I did miss something, please punish me severly with a comment or something to that effect! As always, thanks for reading and if you see me driving through Laguna in my little grey Subaru, please feel free to run me off the road...just kidding...waving would be more appreciated! Thanks, Cole

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