Friday, October 10, 2008

Writer's block in Laguna

Hello and welcome everyone to the writer's block posting. I have completely lost the direction and the creative juices that are needed to spout interesting knowledge...or at least useless or funny knowledge! I have been absent from posting since the infamous "mutiny post" in which the writers were fired and executed (or so we thought). I do have to say that the reasons for not writing have nothing to do with the current state of the financial world. It is truly just "writer's block", if there is such a thing. The weather in Laguna has been that of a split day it's a broiler and the next it is cool and looks like rain. Even though there has been no consistency, which would lead to posts about how strange the weather has been, I still have been unable to bring myself to this point.

Well, I couldn't think of anything to write about, so I wrote this instead. It's Friday night and many are out partying it up and have big plans for the weekend. (By the way, the block got so bad that I didn't even update the weekend events...sorry about that) If someone who has never read any of my posts is confused by this's about time you joined in with the rest of us confused types!!!

Anywho, may all of your weekend travels and adventures be fun and safe, and if you see me wandering through Laguna in my little grey Subaru, please say hi!!! Cole

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